Bringing Svelte reactivity to the multiplayer level
pnpm add syncroState
🚀 Powered by Yjs
Industry-leading CRDT for conflict-free real-time collaboration
🔒 Type-Safe
Full TypeScript support with rich type inference
💫 Svelte Native
Works like regular Svelte state with fine-grained reactivity
🎯 Rich Data Types
Support for primitives, arrays, objects, dates, enums, and more
🔌 Provider Agnostic
Works with Liveblocks, PartyKit, or any Yjs provider
↩️ Undo/Redo
Built-in support for state history
🎮 Bindable
Use bind:value like you would with any Svelte state
🎨 Optional & Nullable
Flexible schema definition with optional and nullable fields
What's coming
Sets and Maps
Adding support for Set and Map types
Schema-less architecture
Working on making syncrostate schema optional
Recursive Types
Adding support for recursive types
Nested Documents
Planning to add support for nested documents
<script> // Import your Yjs provider import { createClient } from '@liveblocks/client'; import { LiveblocksYjsProvider } from '@liveblocks/yjs'; // Import syncroState and y (the schema builder) import { syncroState, y } from 'syncrostate'; // Declare the syncroState const document = syncroState({ // Connect to a Yjs provider and then call the synced callback when the document is synced sync: async ({ doc, synced }) => { // Create a liveblocks client const client = createClient({ publicApiKey: '' }); const { room } = client.enterRoom('room'); const yProvider = new LiveblocksYjsProvider(room, doc); yProvider.on('synced', () => { synced(); }); }, // Define the schema of the state schema: { nodes: y.array( y.object({ type: y.enum('rect', 'circle'), x: y.number(), y: y.number(), fill: y.string() }) ) } }); </script> <button onclick={() => { // Mutate the state document.nodes.push({ type: 'rect', x: 100, y: 100, fill: 'red' }); }}>Add node</button>
Drag and drop shapes to the canvas and see them sync across multiple users.
About syncroState
SyncroState is my contribution to the Svelte Hackathon. Hope you enjoy it!
Documentation is available on the GitHub repository.
SyncroState is built upon Yjs ❤️, the powerful CRDT library that makes real-time collaboration possible. We gratefully acknowledge SyncedStore for pioneering collaborative state management concepts, and the Svelte team for their exceptional framework and new reactivity system that serves as our foundation.